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Top hotel deals, 5th March (Wednesday) – 6th March (Thursday)

Hotel Wetterstein ***
99.3 EUR, Double Room - Non-refundable

Hotel Wetterstein


A direct underground ride from Munich Central Station and Munich city centre, this quiet hotel offers rental bicycles and free WiFi. Parking is available in the hotel garage.

Hotel details & booking »

Bezirksteil Giesing  Stadtbezirk 18 Untergiesing-Harlaching  Munich (county)  Upper Bavaria  Free State of Bavaria  Germany

Double Room - Non-refundable

99.3 EUR

Accommodation deals in Berchtesgadener Straße, Bezirksteil Giesing
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Berchtesgadener Straße, Bezirksteil Giesing, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from 2 hotels in and around Berchtesgadener Straße, Bezirksteil Giesing (areas #2572pmj, #2572pm4, #2572pmk, #2572pm5) were selected.

Location — all destinations in:

#2572pm4, #2572pm5, #2572pmj, #2572pmk


Bezirksteil Giesing

Bezirksteil Giesing top hotel deals, areas #2572pm4, #2572pm5, #2572pmj, #2572pmk: related destinations

Bezirksteil Giesing  Stadtbezirk 18 Untergiesing-Harlaching  Munich (county)  Upper Bavaria  Free State of Bavaria  Germany  World

Berchtesgadener Straße, Bezirksteil Giesing on a map: neighbourhood #2572pm4, #2572pm5, #2572pmj, #2572pmk – nearby streets

Elilandstraße, Friauler Straße, Klausener Platz, Latemarstraße, Otkerstraße, Peißenbergstraße, Reichenhaller Straße, Säbener Straße, Saleggstraße, Sankt-Zeno-Weg, Schellenbergstraße