Top hotel deals, 14th February (Friday) – 15th February (Saturday)
Werrapark Resort Hotel Frankenblick
Situated on the southern slopes of the Simmersberg mountain, amid Thuringian woods and meadows, this hotel in Masserberg-Schnett features numerous spa and leisure facilities.
Hotel details & booking »Business Class Double Room - Non-refundable
138.4 EUR
Accommodation deals in Biberschlag
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Biberschlag, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 41 hotels in and around Biberschlag (areas #258c7, #258c8, #258c6) were selected.Hotels in popular destinations in this region
Masserberg 11, Langenbach 8, Schönbrunn 5, Schnett 4, Eisfeld 4, Hinternah 3, Gießübel 3, Fehrenbach 1, Mausendorf 1, Breitenbach 1