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Top hotel deals, 8th March (Saturday) – 9th March (Sunday)

Pousada Dom Aquino
30.6 EUR, Large Double Room

Pousada Dom Aquino

Rua Dom Aquino, 1806, Campo Grande

Pousada Dom Aquino offers a convenient location in the centre of Campo Grande, 6 km from Campo Grande Airport. It is a renovated farmhouse with practical rooms and free Wi-Fi.

Hotel details & booking »

Centro in Campo Grande  Campo Grande in Campo Grande  Campo Grande  Microrregião de Campo Grande  Mesorregião Centro Norte de Mato Grosso do Sul  Mato Grosso do Sul  Central-West Region  Brazil

Large Double Room

30.6 EUR

Accommodation deals in Rua Joaquim Murtinho, Chácara Boa Vista
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Rua Joaquim Murtinho, Chácara Boa Vista, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from 10 hotels in and around Rua Joaquim Murtinho, Chácara Boa Vista (areas #85n6ndh, #85n6nfv) were selected.

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#85n6ndh, #85n6nfv


Chácara Boa Vista