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Top hotel deals, 4th March (Tuesday) – 5th March (Wednesday)

Master Porto Alegre Hotel - Av Carlos Gomes, Próximo ao Consulado Americano ****
61.2 EUR, Double Room - Non-refundable

Holiday Inn Porto Alegre

Avenida Carlos Gomes, 565, Porto Alegre

Holiday Inn Hotel Porto Alegre is located in the Bela Vista district, one of the most elegant areas of Porto Alegre. Services include free internet and access to the gym.

Hotel details & booking »

Mont'Serrat  Boa Vista in Porto Alegre  Porto Alegre  Microregion of Porto Alegre  Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre  Metropolitan Mesoregion of Porto Alegre  Rio Grande do Sul  South Region  Brazil

Double Room - Non-refundable

61.2 EUR

Accommodation deals in Rua dos Tapajós, Jardim São Pedro
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Rua dos Tapajós, Jardim São Pedro, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from 4 hotels in and around Rua dos Tapajós, Jardim São Pedro (areas #8nk4fqg, #8nk4f7m) were selected.

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#8nk4f7m, #8nk4fqg


Jardim São Pedro