Top hotel deals, 6th April (Sunday) – 7th April (Monday)
The Hunter's Lodge Kamnik
Hotel Hunter's Lodge Kamnik is located at the entrance to Skopje from the airport, only a 10-minute drive to the centre. It offers functionally decorated rooms with free Wi-Fi internet access.
Hotel details & booking »Municipality of Gazi Baba City of Skopje Skopje Region Macedonia
Double Room - Non-refundable
132.5 EUR
Accommodation deals in Municipality of Arachinovo
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Municipality of Arachinovo, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 3 hotels in and around Municipality of Arachinovo (areas #2nhhm, #2mvvr, #2nhjg) were selected.Hotels in popular destinations in this region
Mrševci 1, Agino Selo 1, Naselba Dračevo 1