Top hotel deals, 27th February (Thursday) – 28th February (Friday)
Hotel Class Valls
Hotel Class Valls is modern and comfortable, located in Valls, 20 minutes’ drive from Tarragona. It offers free WiFi and free bicycle use. It has a fitness centre with a hot tub, sauna and an outdoor pool with loungers.
Hotel details & booking »Double Room - Non-refundable
72.0 EUR
Rural Jordà
Rural Jordà has a hot tub and outdoor swimming pool, surrounded by terraces and attractive gardens. This family-run country hotel grows olives, almonds and grapes in the town of Rodonyà.
Hotel details & booking »Double Room - Non-refundable
75.0 EUR
Accommodation deals in Puigpelat
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Puigpelat, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 19 hotels in and around Puigpelat (areas #2p2k5, #2p2kk) were selected.Hotels in popular destinations in this region
Nulles 3, Valls 3, Montferri 3, Rodonyà 2, Salomó 2, Vilarrodona 2, Masllorens 1, Vilabella 1, Vallmoll 1, Puigpelat 1