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Top hotel deals, 27th February (Thursday) – 28th February (Friday)

Hotel Borgia ***
72.0 EUR, Double or Twin Room
416.0 EUR, Villa - Non-refundable
475.0 EUR, Standard Villa - Non-refundable

Hotel Borgia


Hotel Borgia offers clean, modern accommodation in the heart of Gandía. It is a peaceful hotel in a central location, and offers free Wi-Fi internet access.

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Gandia  Safor  Provincia de Valencia / València  Valencian Community  Spain

Double or Twin Room

72.0 EUR


Located in Ador in the Valencia Community Region, this villa is 75 km from Benidorm. Guests benefit from terrace and an outdoor pool. There is a seating area, a dining area and a kitchen equipped with a dishwasher.

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Ador  Safor  Provincia de Valencia / València  Valencian Community  Spain

Villa - Non-refundable

416.0 EUR


ROSMERI is a villa located in Caserío La Estación in the Valencia Community Region and is 5 km from Gandía. Guests benefit from terrace and access to a shared outdoor pool. The kitchen has an oven and a microwave and there is a private bathroom.

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Gandia  Safor  Provincia de Valencia / València  Valencian Community  Spain

Standard Villa - Non-refundable

475.0 EUR

Accommodation deals in Real de Gandía
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Real de Gandía, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 150+ hotels in and around Real de Gandía (areas #2p96r, #2p9pb) were selected.

Hotels in popular destinations in this region

Gandía 100+, Playa de Gandia 25, Caserío La Estación 10, La Drova 4, Marchuquera 3, La Font D´En Carròs 2, Villalonga 2, Ador 2, Almoines 1, Jeresa 1, Rótova 1, Beniopa 1

Hotels around here

Location — all destinations in:

#2p96r, #2p9pb


Real de Gandía