Top hotel deals, 16th March (Sunday) – 17th March (Monday)
Les Plénitudes du Rivage
Located in Saint-Vincent-sur-Jard, Les Plénitudes du Rivage offers 2 self-catering holiday homes. The beach is only a 5-minute drive away.
Hotel details & booking »Saint-Vincent-sur-Jard Les Sables-d'Olonne (arrondissement) Vendée Pays de la Loire Metropolitan France France
Holiday Home - Non-refundable
67.0 EUR
Accommodation deals in Saint-Vincent-sur-Jard
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Saint-Vincent-sur-Jard, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 38 hotels in and around Saint-Vincent-sur-Jard (areas #26qhh, #26qh3) were selected.Hotels in popular destinations in this region
Longeville-sur-Mer 15, Jard-sur-Mer 11, Saint-Vincent-sur-Jard 7, Avrillé 2, Saint-Hilaire-la-Forêt 2, Saligottière 1