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Top hotel deals, 2nd March (Sunday) – 3rd March (Monday)

Premiere Classe La Rochelle Nord - Puilboreau *
35.9 EUR, Triple Room (1 Double Bed + 1 Bunk Bed) - Non-refundable
B&B HOTEL La Rochelle Beaulieu Puilboreau **
53.1 EUR, Double Room - Non-refundable
Campanile La Rochelle Nord - Puilboreau Chagnolet ***
64.8 EUR, Twin Room - Non-refundable

Premiere Classe La Rochelle Nord - Puilboreau

36 Rue De La Belle Etoile - Route De Paris, Puilboreau

This Premiere Classe Hotel is located in Puilboreau, 8 km from La Rochelle. It is easily accessible by the E601 and offers air-conditioned accommodation with en-suite facilities.

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Puilboreau  Dompierre-sur-Mer  La Rochelle (arrondissement)  Charente-Maritime  Poitou-Charentes  Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes  Metropolitan France  France

Triple Room (1 Double Bed + 1 Bunk Bed) - Non-refundable

35.9 EUR

B&B La Rochelle Beaulieu Puilboreau

Zone Commerciale Beaulieu, 84 Rue du 18 Juin, Puilboreau

Hotel B&B La Rochelle Beaulieu is located in Puilboreau, 4 km from La Rochelle. Free WiFi access is available, as well as luggage storage and a food vending machine.

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Puilboreau  La Rochelle (arrondissement)  Charente-Maritime  Poitou-Charentes  Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes  Metropolitan France  France

Double Room - Non-refundable

53.1 EUR

Campanile La Rochelle Nord - Puilboreau Chagnolet

34, rue de la Belle Etoile, Puilboreau

This Campanile Hotel is located in a hamlet near the village of Puilboreau, 10 km from La Rochelle. It is easily accessible from the N11/E601 motorway and offers air-conditioned accommodation with free Wi-Fi.

Hotel details & booking »

Puilboreau  La Rochelle (arrondissement)  Charente-Maritime  Poitou-Charentes  Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes  Metropolitan France  France

Twin Room - Non-refundable

64.8 EUR

Accommodation deals in Sainte-Soulle
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Sainte-Soulle, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 19 hotels in and around Sainte-Soulle (areas #26pvn, #26pvm, #26pv5) were selected.

Hotels in popular destinations in this region

Puilboreau 9, Sainte-Soulle 3, Saint-ouen-dʼAunis 1, Saint-Christophe 1, Montroy 1, Dompierre-sur-Mer 1, Clavette 1, Vérines 1, Saint-Sauveur-dʼAunis 1

Location — all destinations in:

#26pv5, #26pvm, #26pvn

