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Top hotel deals, 26th February (Wednesday) – 27th February (Thursday)

Prainha Apart-Hotel
33.3 EUR, Basic Triple Room

Prainha Apart-Hotel

Rua Maria das Dores Borges, s/n, Baía da Traição

Set in the sands of Baía da Traição’s Prainha Beach, Prainha Apart Hotel offers practical accommodation with free Wi-Fi and private parking. The village centre is only 800 metres away.

Hotel details & booking »

Baía da Traição  Região Metropolitana do Vale do Mamanguape  Microrregião do Litoral Norte  Mesorregião da Mata Paraibana  Paraíba  Northeast Region  Brazil

Basic Triple Room

33.3 EUR

Accommodation deals in Baía da Traição
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Baía da Traição, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 13 hotels in and around Baía da Traição (areas #9trqf, #9trqg, #9tr7n) were selected.

Hotels in popular destinations in this region

Baía da Traição 9, Barra de Camaratuba 4

Location — all destinations in:

#9tr7n, #9trqf, #9trqg


Baía da Traição