Top hotel deals, 26th February (Wednesday) – 27th February (Thursday)
Comarquinal Bioresort Penedes
Offering a beautiful setting outside Sant Quintí de Mediona in the Alt Penedés region, Comarquinal Bioresort features an outdoor swimming pool and a small farm.
Hotel details & booking »Sant Quintí de Mediona Mediona Alt Penedès Barcelona (province) Catalonia Spain
Standard Twin Room
108.9 EUR
Accommodation deals in El Pla del Penedès
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in El Pla del Penedès, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 34 hotels in and around El Pla del Penedès (areas #2p3s2, #2p3s9) were selected.Hotels in popular destinations in this region
Olivella 9, Sant Sadurní dʼAnoia 4, Pla del Panadés 3, Sant Pau dʼOrdal 3, Can Trabal 3, Sant Marçal 2, La Guardiola 2, Sant Cugat de Sesgarrigues 2, Lavern 2, Sant Pere de Ruidebitlles 1, Ca l’Avi 1, Puigdalba 1, San Quintín de Mediona 1