Top hotel deals, 26th February (Wednesday) – 27th February (Thursday)
Hotel De La Mer
This hotel is situated 300 metres from the ocean within peaceful leafy surroundings and offers fully-equipped and air conditioned rooms. It features a traditional and seafood restaurant.
Hotel details & booking »La Tranche-sur-Mer Les Sables-d'Olonne (arrondissement) Vendée Pays de la Loire Metropolitan France France
Comfort Double Room - Non-refundable
88.0 EUR
Accommodation deals in La Faute-sur-Mer
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in La Faute-sur-Mer, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 74 hotels in and around La Faute-sur-Mer (areas #26pv8, #26pv7, #26pvt) were selected.Hotels in popular destinations in this region
La Tranche-sur-Mer 60, LʼAiguillon-sur-Mer 8, La Faute-sur-Mer 6