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Top hotel deals, 26th February (Wednesday) – 27th February (Thursday)

Can Fisa **
80.0 EUR, Double or Twin Room
Can Misse
133.0 EUR, Double Room - Non-refundable

Can Fisa


Can Fisa enjoys a stunning location overlooking the Llobregat Valley, 18 km from Barcelona. It offers free Wi-Fi and an outdoor swimming pool with mountain views. The Can Fisa’s spacious rooms feature a flat-screen TV.

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Corbera de Llobregat  Baix Llobregat  Barcelona (province)  Catalonia  Spain

Double or Twin Room

80.0 EUR

Can Misse

This historic townhouse has been carefully renovated to create a charming small hotel. It lies at the foot of Montserrat – the most important and impressive religious site in Catalonia.

Hotel details & booking »

Collbató  Baix Llobregat  Barcelona (province)  Catalonia  Spain  France

Double Room - Non-refundable

133.0 EUR

Accommodation deals in Martorell
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Martorell, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 38 hotels in and around Martorell (areas #2p3sh, #2p3sg, #2p3sf, #2p3s3) were selected.

Hotels in popular destinations in this region

Sant Esteve Sesrovires 5, Corbera de Llobregat 5, Sant Sadurní dʼAnoia 4, Molins de Rei 3, Viladecaballs 2, Gélida 2, Abrera 2, Martorell 2, Esparraguera 2, Collbató 2, San Andrés de la Barca 2, Pallejá 1, Caserío de Caʼn Rosell 1, El Bruc 1, San Lorenzo de Hortóns 1, Cervelló 1, Castellbisbal 1, Masquefa 1

Hotels around here

Location — all destinations in:

#2p3s3, #2p3sf, #2p3sg, #2p3sh

