Top hotel deals, 26th February (Wednesday) – 27th February (Thursday)
Le Moulin Bregeon
Located in the Loire Valley, 25 km from Saumur, this 19th century water mill sits in a well-established garden. Le Moulin Bregeon features free Wi-Fi access and free parking is available on site.
Hotel details & booking »Linières-Bouton Saumur (arrondissement) Maine-et-Loire Pays de la Loire Metropolitan France France
Superior Suite - Non-refundable
245.0 EUR
Accommodation deals in Noyant
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Noyant, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 14 hotels in and around Noyant (areas #26664, #26665, #26669) were selected.Hotels in popular destinations in this region
Noyant 3, Vernoil 3, Breil 2, Linières-Bouton 2, Le Guédéniau 1, Méon 1, Auverse 1, Pontigné 1