Top hotel deals, 2nd March (Sunday) – 3rd March (Monday)
Premiere Classe La Ville Du Bois
Located in La Ville-du-Bois, this hotel offers rooms equipped with TVs and free Wi-Fi internet access.
Hotel details & booking »La Ville-du-Bois Palaiseau (arrondissement) Essonne Ile-de-France (région) Metropolitan France France
Double Room - Non-refundable
44.2 EUR
Accommodation deals in Villiers-sur-Orge
Above are listed the top matching accommodation offers in Villiers-sur-Orge, sorted by the total cost of your stay, the lowest price first. Best hotel deals from all 5 hotels in and around Villiers-sur-Orge (areas #265c96, #265c99, #265c97, #265c9p) were selected.Hotels in popular destinations in this region
Saint-Michel-sur-Orge 3, Villiers-sur-Orge 1, La Ville-du-Bois 1